
Category Archives: Metal Braces

Protecting Braces while Playing Soccer

Protecting Braces While Playing Sports

There’s a myth floating around that you can’t play sports while wearing braces, which makes getting braces especially nerve-wrecking for athletes. We’re here to debunk that myth. When you are properly protecting braces, you won’t have any problems playing sports during treatment! The Solution? An Orthodontic Mouthguard If you play sports, you should get a special…

Tooth gap and diastema treatment

What Are My Options for Diastema Treatment?

A diastema is a gap between two or more teeth, often occurring between the two front permanent teeth of kids. This gap typically occurs when the size of the teeth don’t match up with the size of the jaw, causing the teeth to grow in with a space between them. Thankfully, diastema treatment is available!…

Teen Girl Smiling with Metal Braces

5 Reasons Modern-Day Metal Braces Will Make You Happy

Here at Dr. Andy’s office, we understand that braces aren’t always the most exciting part of a young adult’s life. Sure, braces can be annoying and sometimes a little painful. If you’re feeling down in the dumps about your braces, take a look at these metal braces innovations. You’ll be happy you have modern day…