
young girl wearing ceramic braces | Dr. Andy

Are Ceramic Braces Right for You?

young girl wearing ceramic braces | Dr. Andy

Getting braces as an adult can be an emotional decision. How will my family and friends react? Will this affect my professional life? Are braces necessary for a perfect smile? These are just some of the questions that you might be pondering. But, the good news is that there are many options now for adults considering braces and one extremely popular type are ceramic braces.

What are ceramic braces?

Ceramic braces are clear bracket orthodontic appliances that are designed to blend in with your teeth. These clear braces are made of composite materials and are a more appealing option than traditional braces.

The main advantage with ceramic braces, and it’s a big one, is in their cosmetic appeal. Since the color of these braces mimic the natural color of the teeth, they’re less noticeable, so much so that sometimes people may not even notice that you’re wearing braces.

Things to consider

Ceramic braces have a tendency to break. If you’re involved in contact sports or any activity where your teeth are at risk, your orthodontist may recommend a different type of orthodontic appliance. Also, people with certain bite patterns or tooth anatomy may not be good candidates for ceramic braces.




Contact Dr. Andy!

If appearance is important, ceramic braces are an effective choice. Schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Andy today! We offer a wide variety of options, including the Clarity ™ Advanced Ceramic Braces. During the consultation, Dr. Andy can answer your questions and help you decide which type of braces is right for you.

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